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Heritage Commission

Heritage Commission

The purpose of the Heritage Commission shall be to insure the proper recognition, use and protection of Manchester's resources, primarily man-made, that are valuable for their historic, cultural, aesthetic, or community significance within their natural, built, or cultural context. The Commission is also responsible for reviewing qualifying outdoor building permit applications in the City's historic districts for their impact on the historic districts.



Name Title Term Expiration
Stan Garrity Chairman July 1, 2026
Heidi Hamer Vice-Chair July 1, 2026
Martha Edgar Member July 1, 2027
Laura Gamache Member  July 1, 2027
Vacant Member July 1, 2025
Christine Fajardo Aldermanic Representative Ex-Officio
John Clayton Member July 1, 2026
Mike Simoneau Alternate July 1, 2027
Juliet Smith Alternate July 1, 2026
Kaleigh Shaughnessy Alternate July 1, 2027
Steve Hebsch Alternate July 1, 2026
Lisa Walsh Alternate July 1, 2025

Contact Information

Manchester Heritage Commission
City of Manchester Planning and Community Development Department
One City Hall Plaza
Manchester, NH 03101
(603) 624-6450


2025 Meeting Schedule

The following meeting dates are planned at the beginning of the calendar year and are subject to change.  Please refer to the agendas, linked on the right of this page, for any changes of schedule close to the meeting date.  All meetings occur at 5:30 in the second-floor conference room of City Hall, unless otherwise noted on the agenda.

The application form can be downloaded here:


Links to Important Documents:

Information About the Heritage Commission:Amory Mill Tower

Links to Friends, Allies, and Good Information:


Training Manual: