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Mayor's Press Room Announcements

Mayor Ruais on NH Army National Guard Duty July 29 - August 9

Published: 07/26/2024

Mayor Ruais on NH Army National Guard Duty July 29 - August 9

MANCHESTER, NH – From 29 July to 9 August, Mayor Jay Ruais will fulfill his two-week duty with the New Hampshire Army National Guard in Concord. When there is no interference with the performance of his military duties, Ruais will be available to address city issues. Should an emergency arise, the Mayor will take the necessary steps to be released from military duty in order to respond to the situation. Ruais will also be at the 6 August Board of Mayor and Aldermen meeting, which takes place after his military duty hours.


Mayor Ruais announces Ward 10 Town Hall

Published: 07/18/2024

Mayor Ruais announces Ward 10 Town Hall 

MANCHESTER, NH – Mayor Jay Ruais today announced the following event:

WHAT:           Ward 10 Town Hall Meeting

WHEN:           Tuesday, July 23 from 6:00pm-7:00pm

WHERE:         Parker-Varney Elementary School,  223 James A. Pollock Drive

NOTE:            Ward 10 Alderman Bill Barry and Ward 10 School Board Member Joy Senecal are invited.


Mayor Ruais cites progress at Engagement Center

Published: 07/17/2024

Mayor Ruais cites progress at Engagement Center   

MANCHESTER, NH – Mayor Jay Ruais today released the latest data for the month of June highlighting successes at the city’s Engagement Center.      

     “I’m excited about the progress we are seeing out of the Engagement Center. I want to thank our community partners who are working diligently with those experiencing homelessness to assist them in building a sustainable life, as well as the staff at the Engagement Center, led by East Coast Evolution Leadership (ECEL), who work incredibly hard to make a difference every day.” Ruais added, “There are no quick fixes to this challenge, and work remains, but we are making progress and continue to take additional steps to implement a comprehensive response that meets the needs of the unhoused, our residents, our visitors and businesses. Since January, we have undertaken 12 initiatives to address this issue and remain committed to doing everything in our power to change lives.”

   Jake King, Engagement Center Director and COO at East Coast Evolution Leadership, shared the mayor’s enthusiasm regarding the progress being made, adding, “Working in this field can be very heavy sometimes. Walking alongside of people who are struggling is not easy. But because of our guest’s perseverance and the ECEL staff passion and dedication, these successes make it all worthwhile.”

Highlights of the Engagement Center progress include:


  • Secured Housing: 11
  • ID/Vital Documents Issued: 17
  • Entered Detox/Recovery Services: 4
  • Gained Employment: 4







Mayor Ruais Statement on Board of Mayor and Aldermen Vote to Ban Camping and Strengthen Enforcement of City Ordinances

Published: 07/03/2024

Mayor Ruais Statement on Board of Mayor and Aldermen Vote to Ban Camping and Strengthen Enforcement of City Ordinances

MANCHESTER, NH - Mayor Jay Ruais issued the following statement today regarding Tuesday’s BMA vote to ban camping in the city and provide more resources to the Manchester Police Department:

“With the recent opinion issued by the U.S. Supreme Court in the Grants Pass, Oregon v. Johnson case, I am pleased the Board of Mayor and Aldermen voted 12-2 to strike “sunrise to sunset” in Section (A) and all of Section (B) from City Ordinance 130.13 to ban camping and otherwise make our streets safe, clean, and passable.”

“We must address this challenge in a comprehensive way, and we have already undertaken 11 initiatives to address the underlying drivers of homelessness and the need for more affordable housing in our city. If an individual wants and needs help, it is available. However, anyone choosing to ignore our ordinances or break the law, will be subject to the applicable legal consequences.”

“Toward this end, I asked for and the BMA voted nearly unanimously to transfer $500,000 to the Manchester Police Department for the purpose of providing regular police details at our city parks and adjacent areas to provide a consistent law enforcement presence to deter and penalize illegal activity. There is no doubt that this action will benefit our residents, visitors, and the business community who wish to enjoy our public spaces. I thank the BMA for taking this immediate action to support these measures which will help secure our parks and our city.”  



Mayor Ruais statement on ReGen receiving $44M from the U.S. Commerce Dept.

Published: 07/02/2024

Mayor Ruais statement on ReGen receiving $44M from the U.S. Commerce Dept.

MANCHESTER, NH – Mayor Jay Ruais issued the following statement on the U.S. Commerce Department sending $44 million in funding to ReGen:

   “This is the continuation of Manchester’s story. In the 19th century, the Queen City’s textile mills led the world in production. Now, ReGen is writing our next chapter as a leader in the bioeconomy. While technologies may change, Manchester remains a major force in cutting edge manufacturing. Today’s investment in ReGen by the U.S. Commerce Department is another indicator of Manchester’s strength in the regenerative science industry and I could not be prouder. The $44 million in federal funding announced today by Deputy Secretary Graves is an incredible opportunity for ReGen to push the country’s bioeconomy to even greater heights. The city will do everything in its power to support this initiative and we’re excited to learn more about what this new funding means for not only Manchester, but for New Hampshire and the rest of the nation as well.” 


Mayor Ruais’ statement on passage of FY2025 City Budget

Published: 06/18/2024

Mayor Ruais’ statement on passage of FY2025 City Budget

New $189.8M city spending plan is balanced, 2.17% under tax cap

MANCHESTER, NH - Mayor Jay Ruais issued the following statement tonight regarding the passage of the city budget for FY2025:

   “Since the beginning of my term, I have been clear about the difficult nature of this budget cycle. Though we started in a $10.6 million hole, I’m proud that we made some difficult decisions to reduce spending in places, and address soaring costs in areas like healthcare without compromising city services.”

   “Despite very real fiscal constraints we were still able to invest millions into our roads, sidewalks and parks. We funded important public safety programs like Shot Spotter and Fusus, while protecting ten police officer positions currently funded by an expiring federal grant. And our support continued for local community partners working to address homelessness, addiction and mental health challenges. Previously, we approved $227.9 million for our schools, a compromise amount, that represents the largest ever appropriated.”

   “Our success in passing a fiscally responsible budget that’s 2.17% under the city’s tax cap is a victory for Manchester residents. I want to thank Alderman Long and those who worked diligently to construct and support passage of this compromise agreement. We now have a budget for FY2025 that will support Manchester’s most important needs and set the city up for long term success.”


Mayor Ruais announces new collaboration with Continuum of Care and leadership team to tackle homelessness

Published: 06/17/2024

Mayor Ruais announces new collaboration with Continuum of Care

and leadership team to tackle homelessness


MANCHESTER, NH – As part of the city’s on-going commitment to reducing homelessness, Mayor Jay Ruais today announced new bi-weekly meetings with the leadership of the Continuum of Care to develop an action agenda to tackle specific aspects of homelessness.  Additionally, he announced the hiring of Irina Owens as Director of Homelessness Initiatives and the elevation of Owen Westover to the position of Homelessness Initiatives Coordinator.

     “Since my first day in office, I’ve made addressing homelessness in our city a top priority.  Tackling this complex challenge requires putting the right policies and teams in place, along with a willingness to shift gears when necessary to get the best results,” said Ruais. “I believe homelessness should be brief, rare and one time and must be addressed comprehensively. I have confidence our new level of collaboration with the Continuum of Care, along with Irina and Owen being in place, will generate the improvements we need going forward to increase safety, and quality of life while transforming life here in Manchester.”        

    Matt McCall, Chairman of the Continuum of Care and Vice President of Community Programs at the Home for Little Wanderers, echoed Ruais’ sentiments saying, "The only way we can tackle a complex challenge like homelessness in Manchester is through a collaborative and comprehensive approach that focuses on the unique needs of our city along with the proven strategies for reducing and ending homelessness. There are no quick or easy solutions but working in conjunction with the city and local stakeholders, we can plot a path to end this debilitating and costly challenge for the people of Manchester."



Mayor Ruais Announces Town Halls in Wards 7 and 12

Published: 06/17/2024

Mayor Ruais Announces Town Halls in Wards 7 and 12

MANCHESTER, NH - Mayor Jay Ruais announced today he is holding two Town Halls this week:

Wednesday, June 19

Ward 7

Fire Station, 679 Somerville Street

Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Ward 7 Aldermen Ross Terrio and School Board Member Chris Potter are invited


Thursday, June 20

Ward 12

Northwest Elementary School, 300 Youville Street

Time: 6:00pm - 7:00pm

Ward 12 Aldermen Kelly Thomas and School Board Members Carlos Gonzalez are invited  


Mayor Ruais’s Statement on AMR’s latest overdose statistics

Published: 06/11/2024

Mayor Ruais’s Statement on AMR’s latest overdose statistics
City OD and fatality numbers are down, creating hopeful trend

MANCHESTER, NH – Mayor Jay Ruais issued the following statement regarding American Medical Rescue’s (AMR) latest report on overdoses in the city of Manchester:

   “AMR’s latest numbers regarding the opioid epidemic are very hopeful.  As a person in recovery, I know that addiction is a very challenging issue and one life lost is too many. While this is one month of data, I’m encouraged by the continued trend line showing we are on track to have 29% fewer suspected opioid overdoses and 14% fewer fatalities this year over last. This is an incredibly positive update, particularly if these numbers continue to hold. I want to thank Chris Stawasz and American Medical Rescue, our first responders and our Health Department for their continued efforts to address this issue, and save lives.”  


Mayor Ruais Announces Compromise Changes to City of Manchester Procurement Code

Published: 06/06/2024 2:48 PM

Mayor Ruais Announces Compromise Changes to City of Manchester Procurement Code
Compromise will bring transparency and efficiency to process

MANCHESTER, NH – Mayor Jay Ruais today announced an important compromise agreement to the City of Manchester's procurement ordinances, developed in collaboration with the Associated Builders and Contractors of New Hampshire and Vermont (ABC) and the New Hampshire Building and Construction Trades Council (NHBCTC).

“Last night, the BMA voted unanimously to direct city staff to draft an ordinance amendment based off the compromise we reached. This amendment exemplifies the collaborative spirit of effective governance," stated Mayor Ruais. "By bringing together diverse stakeholders, unions and industry, a solution has been crafted that will benefit our city, foster economic growth, and ensure fair practices in our procurement processes."

The compromise agreement addresses key issues in the procurement process, aiming to enhance transparency, efficiency, and inclusivity. It represents a balanced approach that takes into account the needs and perspectives of both the construction industry and the labor community.

"The partnership between ABC and the Building and Construction Trades Council demonstrates the power of dialogue and compromise," Ruais continued. "This is a testament to what can be achieved when we work together towards common goals. I deeply appreciate the work of both of these groups in coming together to hammer out this deal"

“We are grateful to the Mayor and Board of Aldermen for being responsive to the requests of industry. The reforms today replace vagueness with clarity and measurable metrics. ABC’s contractors work every day to deliver quality projects safely and competitively in the community which they call home. We look forward to helping build Manchester’s bright future,” said Josh Reap, President & CEO, Associated Builders & Contractors, NH/VT Chapter.

David Spechuilli, President the NHBCTC added, “The New Hampshire Building and Construction Trades Council works every day to lift New Hampshire workers and help them find good-paying jobs that will allow them to provide for themselves and their families. We believe that the amendments to Chapter 39 will not only protect the workers contracted to perform City construction contracts but also protect Manchester taxpayers. We would like to thank Mayor Ruais for bringing the stakeholders together to draft this amendment. We look forward to its passage and the opportunities it will bring to local workers and businesses. “

"I encourage all members of the Board of Aldermen to support this effort," Mayor Ruais concluded. "It is an important step forward for our city, illustrating that through cooperation and compromise, we can achieve meaningful progress that benefits everyone."



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