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Funding Allocations

The Consolidated Plan 2025-2029 outlines funding allocations for major initiatives aimed at addressing community needs. These investments aim to create sustainable long term benefits for Manchester's residents. Below are two (2) tables detailing total anticipated funding over the five-year planning period, broken down by HUD program source and the City's subsequent activity allocations.

Anticipated Funding Sources

Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) $ 8,100,000
HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) $ 3,500,000
Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) $ 800,000

Anticipated Allocations

Affordable Housing Initiatives $ 1,650,000
Emergency Shelters & Homeless Services $ 4,150,000
Public/Community Services $ 4,150,000
Infrastructure & Public Facility Improvements $ 1,350,000
Planning/Public Management $ 2,000,000