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Highway Announcements

Snow Emergency declared for tonight, Saturday, February 15, 2025. No parking on city streets.

Published: 02/15/2025 7:39 AM

Manchester, NH: Highway Department - Alert

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Possible snow emergency may be declared Saturday night, February 15th.

Published: 02/14/2025 3:09 PM

Manchester, NH: Highway Department - Alert

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Snow Emergency declared for tonight, Wednesday, February 12, 2025. No parking on city streets.

Published: 02/12/2025 10:39 AM

Manchester, NH: Highway Department - Alert

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Downtown snow removal scheduled for 3pm Tuesday 2/11 through 6am Wednesday 2/12. No parking signs...

Published: 02/11/2025 11:21 AM

Manchester, NH: Highway Department - Advisory

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Published: 02/07/2025 12:00 PM


The Derryfield School Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ) Project
State Project Number: 42886, Federal Project Number: X-A004(986)

The public is invited to attend a Proposed Action Meeting for the Derryfield School CMAQ Project
on Tuesday, February 11, 2025, at 7:00 PM at the Derryfield School’s Gateway Building, located at
2226 River Road, Manchester, NH. The City’s consultant, CMA Engineers, will present information
on the proposed project. This project will include improvements to the intersection of River Road with
the Derryfield School’s north entrance and Bicentennial Drive.
The intent of the meeting is to present the alternatives considered for the intersection and the proposed
action that will move forward into design development and construction.
Contact Anthony Puntin, NHDOT Project Manager for the City of Manchester,
Anthony.m.puntin@dot.nh.gov or (603) 271-3168, with questions.

Snow Emergency declared for tonight, Thursday, February 6, 2025. No parking on city streets.

Published: 02/06/2025 9:49 AM

Manchester, NH: Highway Department - Alert

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Snow Emergency declared for tonight, Sunday, February 2, 2025. No parking on city streets.

Published: 02/02/2025 9:56 AM

Manchester, NH: Highway Department - Alert

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Snow Emergency declared for tonight, Sunday, January 19, 2025. No parking on city streets.

Published: 01/19/2025 9:36 AM

Manchester, NH: Highway Department - Alert

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Winter Parking Rules Take Effect December 1st

Published: 11/25/2024 8:30 AM

Manchester Winter Parking Rules
Take Effect December 1st



The City of Manchester’s overnight winter on-street, odd/even parking ban goes into effect on the morning of December 1st at 1:00 AM, and will run through April 15th. Where parking is normally allowed on a street, the Overnight Winter Parking Ban permits vehicles to be parked only on the odd numbered side of a street on odd numbered calendar months, and only on the even numbered side of a street on even numbered calendar months beginning after 1:00 AM and until 6:00 AM.  This means you should park on the even side of the street during the month of December, and in January you will park on the odd side of the street, etc.  If parking is presently allowed on only one side of the street during the day, then parking will be permitted on that side of the street every night.  No overnight parking is permitted on the circular portion of dead-end cul-de-sacs.  You may be fined for Overnight Winter Parking Violations per City Ordinances, including Chapter 71.  These parking allowances are prohibited if a Snow Emergency has been declared (see below).



All vehicles must be removed from City streets upon the declaration of a Snow Emergency by the Public Works Director or his authorized agent, in accordance with Chapter 71 of City Ordinances. 


To receive text alerts from the Public Works Department, text your zip code to 888777.
Learn more at https://www.manchesternh.gov/snow.



The City offers free parking during Snow Emergencies at locations throughout the city. See list below.  Exact start and end times vary by location and date. Be sure to sign up for Text Alerts or check the city website, https://www.manchesternh.gov/snow, for more information.

  • Arms Park
  • Public Parking Lot North of Tru Hotel
  • Gill Stadium (Beech St side lot)
  • Hartnett Lot
  • Livngston Park (lot at end of Beech St only)
  • Pearl Street Lot
  • Precourt Park Lot
  • Shaw Park (formerly Brown Mitchell)
  • West Side Arena (behind arena)
  • Victory Parking Garage

Any vehicle parked in violation of a Snow Emergency Declaration is subject to towing and impoundment. Vehicles that have been impounded will be stored in the City’s Vehicle Impound lot located in the parking lot adjacent to the Bridge Street entrance to Derryfield Park. In order to recover an impounded vehicle, the owner will be required to present proof of ownership and pay $200 in cash (fees subject to change).  This must be done within 24 hours of the time when the vehicle was towed.  Vehicles not recovered within 24 hours, will be subject to additional storage charges. Parking Fines are in addition to any towing and/or storage fees. Fees are subject to change without notice.

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