2024 Employee Activity Challenge: September
The City of Manchester's Wellness Committee is pleased to announce our 2024 Activity Challenges! These challenges will be replacing our traditional monthly step challenge in hopes to increase participation, and further incentivize employee wellness.
During our 2024 September Workplace Wellness Activity Challenge, we are encouraging participants to log their “Active Minutes” each day, through the month of September, and submit them utilizing the ChallengeRunner Application. During this challenge, you will be eligible to log Active Minutes such as walking, running, rowing, lifting weights, bike riding, yoga, kayaking, Zumba, dance, Peloton workouts or any other enjoyable physical activity.
- Active Minutes can be tracked manually and inputted into the ChallengeRunner application, or you may simply sync your fitness tracker (Fitbit, Garmin, Apple Watch) to streamline your participation even further.
Attached is a detailed step by step instructions on how to register and sync your fitness tracker to ChallengeRunner.
To help encourage participation, we have weekly, high score and monthly prizes:
- Every participant who registers for the challenge will be entered to win a $25 Hannaford gift card (1 winner).
- Each week, participants who track their Active Minutes, and compete the bonus activity, will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Hannaford gift card (4 winners).
- The top three participants, with the most Active Minutes during the month, will receive a $50 Amazon gift card (3 winners).
- All participants who complete all four (4) bonus activities will be entered into a drawing for a $50 Hannaford gift card (1 winner)
On behalf of the City of Manchester Wellness Committee we genuinely hope you enjoy and partake this new fitness challenge!