Welcome to the Zoning Ordinance Survey Webpage!
On July 8th, the Zoning Ordinance Survey was made active. This survey was for people who care about Manchester’s future, whether they live here, work here, or play here. The main goal for the survey was to hear from as many community members as possible so that their opinions can help inform the drafting of the Zoning Ordinance. The survey asked questions about types of buildings, parking, land uses, and other important topics regarding the development of Manchester.
The survey closed in September, 2024, in tandem with the completion of the community meetings on zoning that took place in each of the 12 wards of the City. A total of 1,499 individuals participated in the survey. The University of New Hampshire Survey Center has released a report of their findings from the survey, which was shared with the Zoning Ordinance Steering Committee on November 18, 2024. The report can be accessed below:
The Planning and Community Development Department along with the Zoning Ordinance Steering Committee will interpret the survey results to inform our continued drafting of the new Zoning Ordinance.