Environmental Protection Division | 12' Shaftless Sprial Screw | JDV EQUIPMENT CORPORATION | 000039673 | $69,827.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | 2020 Membership | NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF CLEAN WATER | 000040678 | $15,355.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | 2024 Odor Control Chemicals | WEAVER HOLDINGS, LLC | 000042242 | $20,230.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | Aeration Projects | WRIGHT PIERCE | 000028199 | $26,907.11 |
Environmental Protection Division | Ash Hauling | RESOURCE MANAGEMENT INC | 000024759 | $40,770.45 |
Environmental Protection Division | Ash Removal | RESOURCE MANAGEMENT INC | 000024759 | $71,717.90 |
Environmental Protection Division | Bi-Sulfate | UNIVAR USA, INC | 000033621 | $37,253.53 |
Environmental Protection Division | CCTV & Inspection of sewer drains | BMC CORP | 000042610 | $45,386.18 |
Environmental Protection Division | Cell phones | P-CARD VZWRLSS MY VZ VB P | 000039427 | $12,579.90 |
Environmental Protection Division | Cemetery Brook Drain Tunnel | BERNSTEIN SHUR SAWYER & NELSON P.A. | 000042780 | $275,352.81 |
Environmental Protection Division | Charge for Reading Irrigation Meters | WATER WORKS | 000001805 | $212,500.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | Christian Brook Water Main Relays & Isolation Valve | WATER WORKS | 000001805 | $12,899.75 |
Environmental Protection Division | Cleaning Catch Basins | WIND RIVER ENVIRONMENTAL LLC | 000001050 | $22,662.19 |
Environmental Protection Division | CMOM Contract 3 | GVC CONSTRUCTION INC | 000040920 | $280,722.37 |
Environmental Protection Division | CMOM Contract 3 | HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT | 000019222 | $530,940.73 |
Environmental Protection Division | Coal Slag | ENSIO RESOURCES INC. | 000035693 | $12,687.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | Cohas Brook Interceptor | PARK CONSTRUCTION CORP | 000019662 | $4,590,173.61 |
Environmental Protection Division | Cohas Brook Interceptor | PARK CONSTRUCTION CORP | 000019699 | $510,019.29 |
Environmental Protection Division | Cohas Brook Interceptor (Ph 3 - Contract 3) | KLEINFELDER NORTHEAST, INC | 000038897 | $262,855.54 |
Environmental Protection Division | Combined Sewer Outflow | CDM SMITH INC | 000000487 | $603,000.77 |
Environmental Protection Division | CSO Monitoring, Reporting & Public Notification | FLOW ASSESSMENT SERVICES, LLC | 000035041 | $34,125.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | Design of Primary Clarifier Upgrade | UNDERWOOD ENGINEERS, INC | 000039541 | $45,300.82 |
Environmental Protection Division | Extensive Vactor repairs | C N WOOD CO INC | 000028218 | $11,965.03 |
Environmental Protection Division | Ford Explorer and F150 Pick up | JOHN GRAPPONE INC | 000001284 | $32,165.52 |
Environmental Protection Division | Gas Heat & Incineration | LIBERTY UTILITIES - NH | 000038114 | $20,701.28 |
Environmental Protection Division | Gas Heat & Incineration | SPRAGUE OPERATING RESOURCES LLC | 000041189 | $39,964.28 |
Environmental Protection Division | Gorman Rupp Simplex VerticalV-Belt Driven Base Mounted | WATER INDUSTRIES LLC | 000003187 | $40,172.96 |
Environmental Protection Division | Grounds Maintenance | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $27,353.21 |
Environmental Protection Division | Grounds Maintenance | P-CARD NORTH POINT OUTDOORS | 000039427 | $26,599.24 |
Environmental Protection Division | Hypchlorite | BORDEN & REMINGTON CORP | 000033072 | $187,371.45 |
Environmental Protection Division | Incinerator | PURECEMS LLC | 000043105 | $51,773.75 |
Environmental Protection Division | Interest On Maturing Debt | TD BANKNORTH, N.A. | 000034174 | $150,914.97 |
Environmental Protection Division | Interest On Maturing Debt | TREASURER STATE OF NH | 000001003 | $750,988.46 |
Environmental Protection Division | Kronos & Maximo Licensing | HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT | 000019222 | $32,020.21 |
Environmental Protection Division | Large Power Electricity | EVERSOURCE | 000002546 | $1,188,479.27 |
Environmental Protection Division | Manhole Repairs | HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT | 000019222 | $544,944.20 |
Environmental Protection Division | Maturing Debt | TREASURER STATE OF NH | 000001003 | $1,667,693.50 |
Environmental Protection Division | Misc Maintenance Supplies | P-CARD GRAINGER | 000039427 | $32,089.63 |
Environmental Protection Division | Misc Vendors - Materials & Services | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $13,734.45 |
Environmental Protection Division | Misc Vendors - programs, materials, etc… | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $25,821.80 |
Environmental Protection Division | Misc. departmental tools | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $23,858.17 |
Environmental Protection Division | Misc. safety supplies | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $13,104.38 |
Environmental Protection Division | N&N 6 X 10 10k Dump Trailer | CENTRAL NH TRAILERS, LLC | 000039858 | $18,650.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | New Computer and XL Reporter Upgrade | ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS LLC | 000000965 | $23,265.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | Nutts Pond Improvements | COMPREHENSIVE ENVIRONMENTAL INC | 000021798 | $116,847.18 |
Environmental Protection Division | Polymer Binding Additive | POLYDYNE INC | 000027360 | $122,837.50 |
Environmental Protection Division | Professional Services for Cemetery Brook Tunnel | PARSONS ENVIRONMENT & INFRASTRUCTUR | 000042918 | $550,530.86 |
Environmental Protection Division | Pump Parts | THE MAHER CORPORATION | 000020917 | $25,935.06 |
Environmental Protection Division | Pump Stations & Admin. Building Electricty | EVERSOURCE | 000037785 | $23,847.54 |
Environmental Protection Division | Pumping Equipment Repairs | WATER INDUSTRIES LLC | 000003187 | $19,721.64 |
Environmental Protection Division | Rebuild of RSP #5 | FARRAR INC. | 000039205 | $37,175.65 |
Environmental Protection Division | Repair FBI Economizer | INDUSTRIAL STEEL & BOILER SERV,INC | 000038795 | $53,832.70 |
Environmental Protection Division | Repair Fuel Control Valve | SOLAR TURBINES INCORPORATED | 000002841 | $36,653.91 |
Environmental Protection Division | Repair of Refactory to FBI | INDUSTRIAL FURNACE CO INC | 000031088 | $70,405.71 |
Environmental Protection Division | Sampling | EUROFINS ENVIRONMENT TESTING NE LLC | 000042945 | $28,195.83 |
Environmental Protection Division | Service on Air Compressors | D. L. THURROTT AIR PRODUCTS | 000039545 | $10,908.07 |
Environmental Protection Division | Sheffield Road Pump Station & Force Main Design | WESTON & SAMPSON ENGINEERS, INC | 000040072 | $43,044.88 |
Environmental Protection Division | Sludge Removal | CASELLA WASTE MANAGEMENT INC | 000000516 | $314,771.83 |
Environmental Protection Division | Telephone Service | BANK OF AMERICA | 000039427 | $22,572.57 |
Environmental Protection Division | Telephone Service | P-CARD CONSOLIDATED COMMUNICA | 000039427 | $10,708.08 |
Environmental Protection Division | Thickener & multiple hearth wings roof replacemetnt | GALE ASSOCIATES INC | 000027863 | $18,796.25 |
Environmental Protection Division | Turblex Blowers Service Agreement 2022 & 2023 | BCV SYSTEMS LLC | 000041549 | $21,600.00 |
Environmental Protection Division | Wash press housing | VULCAN INDUSTRIES, INC. | 000035637 | $31,815.34 |
Environmental Protection Division | WWTP SSI Compliance | WOODARD & CURRAN INC | 000027392 | $22,458.76 |
Environmental Protection Division | WWTP SSI Compliance Construction | CASELLA WASTE MANAGEMENT INC | 000000516 | $417,915.96 |
Environmental Protection Division | WWTP SSI Compliance Construction | MCLANE MIDDLETON, PROF ASSOCIATION | 000001891 | $60,745.88 |