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Healthy Food Access

Improving access to healthy food is an investment in the health and well-being of all community members. Communities are more likely to thrive when residents have access to healthy, affordable, culturally-appropriate foods for themselves and their families.

According to the 2022 Greater Manchester Community Health Needs Assessment, more than 91% of Manchester residents surveyed said that it is “very important” for Manchester to take action to increase access to healthy, affordable food sources, including addressing health conditions such as obesity and diabetes, lack of access to fresh fruits and vegetables, and food deserts (defined as neighborhoods where residents live with high rates of poverty and live at least one-half mile from the nearest grocery store.)   More than one in ten Manchester residents (11.3%) reported having trouble getting access to food/meals in the past three years. 1

Healthy Food Access Plan

In an effort to improve Manchester residents’ access to healthy and culturally-appropriate food, the Manchester Health Department embarked on a community-driven planning process to develop a Healthy Food Access Plan (HFAP), supported by American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds.  In collaboration with community partners, the Health Department completed an assessment of the City’s current food landscape and elicited challenges and solutions to food access in the community. 

Based upon direct community input, the HFAP identifies food access strategies to be implemented with ARPA funding through July of 2026.  More long-term strategies identified in the HFAP may extend beyond the ARPA timeline and require additional funding resources.

Read the HFAP here: Manchester Healthy Food Food Access Plan 

Appendix documents:


Healthy Food Access Story Map

An interactive data map of some of the existing conditions regarding healthy food access in Manchester can be found here:

Healthy Food Access Story Map 

The City of Manchester Health Department, “2022 Greater Manchester Community Health Needs Assessment,” accessed February 28, 2023.


Fresh Choice Manchester, The City of Manchester Healthy Corners Program

The purpose of the Healthy Corners Program is to expand healthy food access in Manchester with a focus on areas known as “food deserts” where the nearest grocery store is more than a half mile away. We work with corner and convenience stores throughout the City that accept Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits, thereby helping low-income families afford healthier food. In partnership with Organization for Refugee and Immigrant Success (ORIS) and Fresh Start Farms serving as the Food Hub, the program provides:

  • Fresh produce and healthy snacks at wholesale prices (with an emphasis on culturally appropriate foods);
  • Training and technical assistance to storeowners;
  • Marketing and merchandising support;
  • Infrastructure, equipment, and produce displays; and
  • Nutrition education for shoppers.

We are working with five stores, with an additional three stores to be added by 2025. The five participating Manchester Healthy Corner Stores are:

  • Dollar Deluxe, 334 Union Street
  • Himalayas General Store, 359 Elm Street
  • La Bonne Semence, 198 Wilson Street
  • R & E Grocery, 304 Merrimack Street
  • TMC Convenience, 77 Bremer Street

For more information, please contact the Manchester Health Department at 603-624-6466.