The City of Manchester's Welfare Department provides financial assistance to those individuals and families in our co
mmunity who are financially unable to meet their own basic need expense(s), such as:
- food
- housing
- medications
- utilities
If you do not live in Manchester, contact your local city or town hall for information on how to apply for general assistance in your community.
You can also apply with the State of NH Department of Health and Human Services at 1050 Perimeter Road, Ste 501 in Manchester, 668-2330, for the following types of assistance/programs:
- ANB - Aid to the Needy Blind
- APTD - Aid to the Permanently and Totally Disabled
- Child Care
- Child Support
- DEAS - Division of Elderly and Adult Services
- DCYF - Division of Children, Youth and Families
- Food Stamps
- NH Healthy Kids Program
- Medicaid
- OAA - Old Age Assistance
- TANF - Temporary Assistance to Needy Families
VIDEO: Navigating the New Hampshire Eviction Process