Livingston Park spans 131 acres in Manchester's north end. This community park serves as home to athletic leagues, hosts large events, and offers a variety of recreational opportunities. The park includes Dorrs Pond, which is open for fishing and ice skating (weather permitting).
- Baseball Diamonds (4)
- Brigit's Garden
- Children's Playground
- Dorrs Pond
- Gatsas Track & Field Complex
- Multipurpose Fields (2)
- Soccer Fields (2)
- Swimming Pool
- Tennis Courts (3)
- Walking Trail
- Warming Hut
Sunrise to sunset
(Dorrs Pond Warming Hut and Livingston Pool have seasonal hours)
156 Hooksett Rd
Onsite lots available at:
- North end of Beech St
- Adjacent to tennis courts (off Hooksett Rd)
- Multiple locations accessible from Red Coat Lane off Hooksett Rd
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Most park spaces and amenities can be rented.
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